Your Voice is your Vibration

What you say is only part of the magic, but how you say it is transformative.

Your brand voice is your connection, your way of speaking and your way of being, that acts as a magnet for your soul clients and customers.

The ones who just get it.

The ones who will buy from you in a heartbeat.

The ones that will champion every single thing you do.

Your brand advocates, or, you’re die-hard fans.

You speak their language.

Brand voice is your brand vibration, the way you put your business and brand out into the world, the way it is received and how that energy then flows back to you. It’s magic, but we can explain it.

We’re vibrational beings, and the energy of your brand and brand voice is picked up on.

Every single day.

It’s the way you speak, how your brand is heard.

It’s the words you use, it’s the way that you communicate.

So, how is your voice?

Is it clear, from the chest, do you know how you want to speak and show up in the world as a brand?
Or do you need some clarity, a refresh, to pin point your vernacular and the kind of words that you use?

Set the tone, communicate from the heart, and become a magnet for the people you want to work with.


Cleansing your energy before writing
